Biogenic nano seed treatment studies in pigeon pea under pot culture
Sampathi Sowjanya, S Rajendra Prasad, Shivanna B, Parashivamurthy, N Nethra, RL Ravikumar
An experiment was conducted to know the effect of biogenic nanoparticle seed treatment in pigeon pea under pot culture during 2021-22 at NSP, GKVK, Bangalore. Seeds were sown in pots after imposing eight treatments in various concentrations including control viz., green zinc oxide (1000 ppm & 1250 ppm), green silicon dioxide (500 ppm & 750 ppm) also chemical zinc oxide, chemical silicon dioxide and Spinosad (2 ppm). Among the different nanoparticles studied, green zinc oxide @ 1250 ppm recorded maximum plant height (153.48 cm), number of nodules per plant (99.75), pod length (7.92 cm), number of seeds per pod (5.15), number of pods per plant (115.09), seed yield per plant (53.73 g), and resultant seed obtained from green zinc oxide @ 1250 ppm shown highest 100 seed weight (14.71 g), seed germination (94.00%), mean seedling length (43.02 cm), seedling dry weight (51.02 mg/seedling), seedling vigor index-I (4043), seedling vigor index-II (4795), total dehydrogenase activity (2.013 A480 nm) and lowest electrical conductivity (20.44 µS/cm/g). These findings suggest that seed treatment with green zinc oxide @ 1250 ppm is better for obtaining good seed yield and quality parameters in pigeon pea.
How to cite this article:
Sampathi Sowjanya, S Rajendra Prasad, Shivanna B, Parashivamurthy, N Nethra, RL Ravikumar. Biogenic nano seed treatment studies in pigeon pea under pot culture. Pharma Innovation 2023;12(1):06-11. DOI: