Studies on morphological traits of mungbean (Vigna radiata L.) genotypes
Author(s): PR Thombre, DG Dalvi, AV Pawar and SL Shinde
In the present investigation, 15 genotypes were studied for morphological traits at Sorghum Research Station, Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Krishi Vidyapith, Parbhani during kharif 2021-2022 and observations taken on 20th, 40th, 60th DAS and at harvesting stage. Results revealed that the Mean plant height varied from 5.35-55.47 cm in different varieties of greengram from 20th DAS to harvesting stage. Highest mean plant height was recorded in greengram genotype BM-21-1 at harvesting stage (55.47 cm) followed by AKM-1606 (51.57 cm) as compared to rest of varieties of greengram. The genotype BM-21-2 (27.17) followed by AKM-1606 (21.43) was recorded highest number of leaves per plant at harvesting stage as compared to other genotypes. Similarly, these genotypes also recorded highest fresh weight (g) and total dry weight (g) per plant at harvest. The genotype BM-21-2 also recorded significantly highest primary and secondary branches per plant at harvest.