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Vol. 11, Issue 6 (2022)

Response of rice genotypes to split application of nitrogen and potassium on growth and yield parameters of direct seeded rice

Raghuveer, BK Desai, Satyanaranrao, Basavenneppa MA, Narayan Rao K, Mahantashivayogayya K and AG Sreenivas
The experiment was conducted at Agricultural Research Station, Siruguppa, University of Agricultural Sciences (UAS), Raichur, Karnataka, during kharif season of 2017 and 2018 to know the response of rice genotypes to split application of nitrogen and potassium on growth and yield parameters of direct seeded rice. Pooled mean of two years indicated that GNV-10-89 recorded significantly higher number of tillers m-2 (564.7), leaf area hill-1 (871.2 cm-2), leaf area index (4.36) and total dry matter production (91.95g hill-1) at harvest, number of panicles (385.6 m-2), panicle length (24.32 cm), panicle weight (3.54), test weight (23.94 g) over RP Bio-226 and RNR-15048 but it was at par with GGV-05-01 (44.0, 514.9, 803.5 cm-2, 4.02, 86.06 g hill-1, 358.2 m-2, 23.11 cm, 3.26 g, 23.05 g respectively). Among the nutrient management practices, S3 (50% N and K and full dose of P as basal + 25% N and K at tillering + 25% N at panicle initiation + 25% K at dough stage) recorded significantly higher number of panicles m-2 (367.1), length of panicle (23.02 cm), panicle weight (3.28 g), test weight (23.31 g), number of tillers m-2 (514.8), leaf area hill-1 (796.1), leaf area index (3.98) and total dry matter production (84.77g hill-1) as compared to other nutrient management practices. Hence, on the basis of the results obtained in the pooled data of the two years, genotypes GNV-10-89 with Split application of nitrogen and potassium 50% N and K and full dose of P as basal + 25% N and K at tillering + 25% N at panicle initiation + 25% K at dough stage was found to be better option to obtain higher growth and yield parameters.
Pages: 1064-1067  |  343 Views  92 Downloads

The Pharma Innovation Journal
How to cite this article:
Raghuveer, BK Desai, Satyanaranrao, Basavenneppa MA, Narayan Rao K, Mahantashivayogayya K, AG Sreenivas. Response of rice genotypes to split application of nitrogen and potassium on growth and yield parameters of direct seeded rice. Pharma Innovation 2022;11(6):1064-1067.

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