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Vol. 11, Issue 6 (2022)

Influence of nitrogen levels and weed management practices on yield attributes, yield and economics of sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) under south Gujarat condition

Harsh A Kamani, VG Bavalgave and YP Lad
A field experiment was conducted on heavy black soil at the College Farm, N. M. College of Agriculture, Navsari Agricultural University, Navsari (Gujarat) during the summer season 2019. The study consisted combinations of three levels of nitrogen viz. 25 kg N/ha (N1), 50 kg N/ha (N2) and 75 kg N/ha (N3) and seven weed management practices viz. Weedy check (W1), Weed free check (W2), HW at 30 DAS (W3), Pendimethalin (PE) @ 0.75 kg/h (W4), Pendimethalin (PE) @ 0.75 kg/ha + One HW at 30 DAS (W5), Quiazalfop-p-ethyl (PoE) at 20 DAS @ 0.05 kg/ha (W6) and Pendimethalin (PE) @ 0.75 kg/ha + Quiazalfop-p-ethyl (PoE) at 30 DAS @ 0.05 kg/ha (W7) were tested in randomized block design with three replications. Significantly higher values of all the all the yield attributes such as number of capsule per plant, number of seed per capsule, seed yield per plant and weight of 1000 seeds were recorded with application of 75 kg N/ha (N3) and in case of weed management treatments, Significantly higher values were recorded under weed free check (W2) which remained at par with treatments W3, W5 and W7. Significantly highest seed yield (954.71 kg/ha) and Stover yield (1560.95 kg/ha) were recorded with application of 75 kg N/ha (N3). In case of weed management practices significantly higher seed yield (971.61 kg/ha) and Stover yield (1640.23 kg/ha) were recorded under treatment of weed free check (W2) which remained at par with treatments W3 (HW at 30 DAS), W5 (Pendimethalin (PE) @ 0.75 kg/ha + One HW at 30 DAS) and W7 (Pendimethalin (PE) @ 0.75 kg/ha + Quiazalfop-p-ethyl (PoE) at 30 DAS @ 0.05 kg/ha). Lower weed density and weed index with higher weed control efficiency were recorded in treatment weed free check (W2), which was followed by application of Pendimethalin (PE) @ 0.75 kg/ha + One hand weeding at 30 DAS (W5) The study identified that higher profitable yield and effective weed control in summer sesamum cv. GT-5 can be obtained by application of nitrogen75 kg/ha and Pendimethalin @ 0.75 kg/ha as pre emergence herbicide with one HW at 30 DAS under south Gujarat condition.
Pages: 870-873  |  533 Views  252 Downloads

The Pharma Innovation Journal
How to cite this article:
Harsh A Kamani, VG Bavalgave, YP Lad. Influence of nitrogen levels and weed management practices on yield attributes, yield and economics of sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) under south Gujarat condition. Pharma Innovation 2022;11(6):870-873.

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