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Vol. 11, Issue 6 (2022)

Effect of salicylic acid on growth and yield of late kharif Onion (Allium cepa L.)

Khamkar MB, Ranpise SA, Gaikwad SD, Wagh RS and Choudhary SM
The field experiment was conducted at the instruction cum research field of Scheme for Research on onion Storage, Department of Horticulture, MPKV, Rahuri, Dist. Ahmednagar; during late kharif season of 2016-17. Design of experiment is Factorial Randomized Block Design. Variety Phule Samarth, Plot Size and Spacing 3 X 2 m2, 15 x 10 cm.
Present investigation late kharif season same treatment A7 recorded significantly highest plant height (73.19 cm), number of leaves (13.12), polar diameter (5.09 cm), equatorial diameter (5.05 cm) and lowest neck thickness (1.06 cm). The treatment B4 among the concentration levels of SA recorded significantly highest plant height (71.10 cm), number of leaves (12.27), polar diameter (5.16 cm), equatorial diameter (5.11 cm).The interaction found non-significant effect on above growth parameters during late kharif the seasons. whereas during late kharif season highest significant average bulb weight (105.90 g), total bulb yield (32.84 t/ha), marketable bulb yield (30.19 t/ha). during late kharif season.
In overall the present investigation concluded that, foliar application of SA as 1st spray of 250 mg/lit at 30 days after sowing in nursery stage, 2nd spray, 3rd spray and 4th spray SA @ 250 mg /lit at 30,45 and 60 DAT was found beneficial for obtaining maximum yield improving quality and increasing yield of onion during late kharif season.
Pages: 501-506  |  516 Views  237 Downloads

The Pharma Innovation Journal
How to cite this article:
Khamkar MB, Ranpise SA, Gaikwad SD, Wagh RS, Choudhary SM. Effect of salicylic acid on growth and yield of late kharif Onion (Allium cepa L.). Pharma Innovation 2022;11(6):501-506.

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