Abstract:Herbs have multifarious role such as food flavourings, preservative and as medicinal ingredient. Various herbs are documented for their therapeutic properties
viz., antioxidative, antihypertensive, anti- inflammatory, antidiabetic, antimicrobial, etc. Some of the important herbs dealt in this review include Ashwagandha, Turmeric etc. The examples of some spice and herbs containing antioxidants include basil, ginger, etc., while herbs showing hypotensive properties include Ashwagandha, brahmi, shankphuspi, ginger, basil, etc. Few herbs can help in extending the shelf life of dairy products (especially fermented dairy products) especially through their suppressing effect on fungi and bacteria. Hence, judicious use of herb application in dairy products may result in raising their nutritional and medicinal values and enable development of value-added dairy products. Fortification of herbs in dairy products could help in providing value-added, functional dairy foods at the same time boost the sale of important herbs.
Milk as a source of infant food, occupies a pivotal position being a unique fluid having the necessary nutrients in 'all in one' package. Large numbers of people depend upon milk as the most important source of nourishment next only to staple food grains. Today, the production of dried milks products has become an increasingly important segment of the dairy industry. There are indications of greater future production of dried milk and milk products due to their better and milk definite keeping quality, requiring less storage space and lower shipping costs all of which are economically attractive. More non- fat dry milk production takes place than whole milk powder production due to the high keeping quality.