Study of genetic variability to emphasize breeding programme for fodder and grain yield in oat genotypes
Raj Kumar, RP Vyas, HC Singh, Smriti Varghese, Gaurav Mishra, Vivek Kumar and Anjali
The goal of this study was to determine the presence of genotypic variability in order to mark suitable genotypes for fore coming breeding programmes. The current study was conducted during the rabi seasons of 2021 at the CSAUA&T, Kanpur. The experiment was set up in a three-replication randomized block design, with a plot size of 3 x 1 m2 and row-to-row and plant-to-plant spacing of 30 and 5 cm, respectively. For all of the agro morphological features tested, analysis of variance observed that the mean sum of square due to genotypes was significant. The PCV estimations were higher than the GCV estimates, indicating that the environment had an impact. With the exception of days of 50 percent flowering all characters had strong PCV and GCV. For all 12 characters, high heritability values were found. For plant height, leaf area, and fresh weight, there was a high heritability combined with a high genetic advance. These characters having high heritability govern with high genetic advance can be used in breeding programme for oat improvement.
How to cite this article:
Raj Kumar, RP Vyas, HC Singh, Smriti Varghese, Gaurav Mishra, Vivek Kumar, Anjali. Study of genetic variability to emphasize breeding programme for fodder and grain yield in oat genotypes. Pharma Innovation 2022;11(5):2505-2508.