Effect of irrigation, nutrients levels and weed management practices on growth of aromatic rice (Oryza sativa L.)
Ram Naresh, Sanjeev Kumar, Shiwanand Panday, Reenu Kumar, Vikas Teotia, Naveen Kumar Maurya, Pankaj Kumar, Anuj Pratap Singh, Vipin Patel, Prashun Sachan and Yatendra Singh
The experiment was conducted at Student’s Instructional Farm, Chandra Shekhar Azad University of Agriculture & technology, Kanpur during Kharif 2019 and 2020 on silty clay loam soils. The soil of the experimental field was neutral in reaction, testing medium in available P and K and low in available N with medium organic carbon content of 0.80. The treatments comprising of two irrigations methods: alternative wetting and drying (AWD), and flooding irrigation assigned to main plots, four nutrients levels (RDF+ ZnSO4 @ 25 kg ha-1 + FeSO4 @ 10 kg ha-1, RDF+ ZnSO4 @ 25 kg ha-1 and RDF+ FeSO4 @ 10 kg ha-1) in sub plots and four weed management practices including two herbicidal treatments (Chlorimuron ethyl and Fenoxaprop-p-ethyl), hand weeding along with weedy check to sub-sub-plots replicated were tested in Split-split plot design. On the basis of pooled data of two years revealed that significant increase in growth attributes was recorded during both the years of experimentation by irrigation methods, nutrients levels and weed management practices. Significant increase in growth parameter was recorded due to the effect of irrigation methods. highest plant height, LAI, fresh, dry matter accumulation and tillers plant-1 was recorded with alternative wetting and drying (AWD) which was superior to flooded irrigation methods during both the years of experimentation. Among the nutrients RDF + ZnSO4+ FeSO4 at par with RDF + ZnSO4proved excellent resulted in maximum growth comparable to RDF treatment. The data on weed management practices manifest that all the herbicides used for control of weeds including hand weeding found to be maximum growth compared to weedy check.
How to cite this article:
Ram Naresh, Sanjeev Kumar, Shiwanand Panday, Reenu Kumar, Vikas Teotia, Naveen Kumar Maurya, Pankaj Kumar, Anuj Pratap Singh, Vipin Patel, Prashun Sachan, Yatendra Singh. Effect of irrigation, nutrients levels and weed management practices on growth of aromatic rice (Oryza sativa L.). Pharma Innovation 2022;11(5):2373-2379.