Correlation and path coefficient analysis in Dolichos bean (Lablab purpureus L.)
Sirina Davalasab Attar, Arunkumar Bhavidoddi, Vilas D Gasti, Shantappa Tirakannanavar, Suvarna Patil, Yashavantakumar KH and Ambresh
Twenty-one genotypes were used to study the correlation and path coefficient analysis for growth and yield related traits during rabi, 2020-21. Green pod yield per plant had positive and significant association with traits like number of flowers per inflorescence, number of pods per vine, pod length and average weight of 10 fresh pod at both genotypic and phenotypic level. Since, these associations of characters are in the desirable direction, it indicates that simultaneous selection for these characters would be rewarding for improving the green pod yield per plant. Path analysis revealed that the traits like days to first harvest, number of pods per vine, number of flowers per inflorescence, vine length at 120 DAS, days to final harvest, days from flowering to pod maturity, pod width and number of branches per plant at 120 DAS exhibited direct positive effect on green pod yield per plant. This indicates true relationship between the traits and green pod yield per plant. Therefore, direct selection for these traits would reward for improvement in yield.
How to cite this article:
Sirina Davalasab Attar, Arunkumar Bhavidoddi, Vilas D Gasti, Shantappa Tirakannanavar, Suvarna Patil, Yashavantakumar KH, Ambresh. Correlation and path coefficient analysis in Dolichos bean (Lablab purpureus L.). Pharma Innovation 2022;11(5):1625-1628.