Abstract:In present investigation the results revealed that, significantly lowest acidity was observed in Polypropylene bags without pores (T
7) (0.12) and highest acidity was recorded in Polypropylene bags with 50 pores (T
5) (0.19).
The interaction between treatments and storage period on acidity was found to be significant. Significantly lowest Brix-acid ratio was recorded in Polypropylene bags with 50 pores(T5) (140.95).But it was on par with treatment T3.Highest brix-acid ratio was observed in T6 (191.93) which was on par with T7.
Polypropylene bags without Pores (T7) was recorded highest reducing pores (T7) was recorded highest reducing sugars (13.89) which was significantly superior over rest of treatment and significantly lowest reducing sugars was recorded in T3 (11.44).
The interaction between Treatment X Storage periods on reducing sugar was significant. Polypropylene bags with 60 pores (T6) recorded significantly highest non reducing sugars (2.77) and significantly lowest non reducing sugar was recorded by treatment (T8) (0.74).
Significantly highest Ascorbic acid was recorded in treatment T3 (35.00) The interaction effect between Treatment and storage period on Ascorbic acid of Custard apple fruits was found to be significant.