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Vol. 11, Issue 5 (2022)

Effect of nutrient management on growth and yield of pigeonpea

KH Kharabe, YD Charjan and RS Wankhade
Experiment was conducted at Agronomy Farm, College of Agriculture, Nagpur under Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth, Akola, situated at 21° 10 North latitude and 79° 19 East longitudes with a subtropical climate. The topography of experimental plot was levelled and the soil was black in colour, fairly deep, well drained clayey in texture, low in nitrogen, low in available phosphorus, high in available potash and low available in sulphur and alkaline in reaction. The experiment was designed in randomised block design with three replications and twelve treatments i.e. 100% RDF (25:50:00 kg ha-1), 125%RDF (31.5:62:5:00 kg ha-1), 150% RDF (37.5:75:00 kg ha-1), 100% RDF + 10 kg S ha-1, 125% RDF + 10 kg S ha-1, 150% RDF + 10 kg S ha-1, 100% RDF + 20 kg S ha-1, 125% RDF + 20 kg S ha-1, 150% RDF + 20 kg S ha-1, 100% RDF + 30 kg S ha-1, 125% RDF + 30 kg S ha-1, 150% RDF + 30 kg S ha-1. Pigeonpea variety PKV-Tara was used as test crop.
All yield contributing characters such as no. of pods plant-1, no. of seeds pod, seed yield kg ha-1, straw yield kg ha-1, and harvest index were significantly influenced by fertilizer application. Maximum value of growth and yield contributing character were recorded with application of 150% RDF + 30 kg S ha-1 and it was at par with 125% RDF + 30 kg S ha-1 with also 100% RDF + 30 kg S ha-1. Highest values of seed yield 1880 kg ha-1, straw yield 5552 kg ha-1, harvest index 25.40 was recorded with 150% RDF + 30 kg S ha-1. Nutrient uptake by crop was increased significantly with increase in levels of sulphur as well as recommended dose of fertilizer. Total uptake of nutrients significantly more with application of 150% RDF + 30 kg S ha-1.
Pages: 1021-1024  |  347 Views  168 Downloads

The Pharma Innovation Journal
How to cite this article:
KH Kharabe, YD Charjan, RS Wankhade. Effect of nutrient management on growth and yield of pigeonpea. Pharma Innovation 2022;11(5):1021-1024.

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