Heterosis studies for yield and yield attributing traits in brinjal (Solanum melongena L.)
Nikhila, Jyoti P Jirankali, Dr. TH Gowda and Dr. Dushyanthkumar B
The magnitude of heterosis in different hybrids is the basic prerequisite for the identification of hybrid combinations that exhibit a high level of exploitable heterosis. The analysis of variance due to genotypes is highly significant for all the characters except for the plant spread. Heterosis was assessed for yield and yield attributing traits and the top five hybrids viz., Bili Chandu Badane x Mullugai Badane, Bili Udda Badane x Mullugai Badane, 40 A Badane x Mullugai Badane, Desi Jawari Badane x Mullugai Badane, and Nati Badane x Mullugai Badane exhibited significant positive heterosis for yield per plant over the standard check. Among twenty-one hybrids, eight hybrids over the mid parent, four hybrids over the better parent, and nine hybrids over standard check recorded positive significant heterosis.
How to cite this article:
Nikhila, Jyoti P Jirankali, Dr. TH Gowda, Dr. Dushyanthkumar B. Heterosis studies for yield and yield attributing traits in brinjal (Solanum melongena L.). Pharma Innovation 2022;11(5):738-741.