Role of plant metabolites in plant protection and their potential in integrated pest management
Author(s): Deepti Barak
Abstract: Chemical transformations that occur in the cells of living creatures are classified as metabolism, and these are required for the organism's survival. Metabolites are the end products of metabolic processes as well as intermediates generated during metabolic processes. There are two types of metabolites produce by plants, one is primary metabolites and other is secondary metabolites. A primary metabolite is one that has a direct role in proper growth, development, and reproduction. Plant secondary metabolites provide a variety of functions, including disease, insect, and herbivore defence, stress response, and modulating organism interactions.
Deepti Barak. Role of plant metabolites in plant protection and their potential in integrated pest management. Pharma Innovation 2022;11(5):699-704. DOI: 10.22271/tpi.2022.v11.i5i.12469