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Vol. 11, Issue 4 (2022)

Effect of different organic nutrient management on qualitative characters of different aromatic rice varieties

Vijayjitendra Kumar Patel, Lovekesh Kumar Gilhare and Rahul Kumar Jaiswal
A field experiment was carried out at Research cum Instructional Farm, IGKV, Raipur, during kharif season of 2011. The soil of experiment field was ‘Vertisols’. The soil was neutral (pH 7.12) in reaction and medium in fertility having 0.52% organic carbon, low N (205.5 kg ha-1), medium P (17.0 kg ha-1) and high K (345 kg ha-1). The experiment was laid out in split plot design with 3 replications. The main plot consisting of four aromatic rice varieties viz. Jeeraphool, Kasturi Badshah Bhog and Sugandhamati with six organic nutrient management treatments as sub plot viz. T1 (cowdung manure + composted crop residue + Vermicompost), T2 (T1 + BGA + PSB + Azospirillum), T3 (T1 + Rock Phosphate), T4 (T1 + Panchagavya), T5 (T2 + Rock Phosphate + Panchagavya) and T6 (T1 + Neemastra).The results revealed that between four varieties, Among quality characteristics like paddy length, brown rice length and kernel length, Sugandhamati variety showed outstanding results whereas, high breadth of rice was observed under variety Jeeraphool. Application of CDM, CCR and VC accompanied with BGA, PSB, Azospirillum, rock phosphate and Panchgavya (T5) recorded higher value of all quality characters of aromatic rice varieties.
Pages: 1524-1526  |  366 Views  132 Downloads

The Pharma Innovation Journal
How to cite this article:
Vijayjitendra Kumar Patel, Lovekesh Kumar Gilhare, Rahul Kumar Jaiswal. Effect of different organic nutrient management on qualitative characters of different aromatic rice varieties. Pharma Innovation 2022;11(4):1524-1526.

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