Management of early blight of tomato Solanum lycopersicum Mill. Incited by Alternaria solani through salicylic acid in vitro and in vivo
Ranjana Meena, Shailesh Godika, Pinki Devi Yadav, Kewal Chand, Mateti Gayithri and Anuradha Jajorira
Study of Salicylic acid under in vitro condition resulted that SA at 200 ppm (68.45%) concentration was most effective in inhibiting mycelial growth followed by 150 ppm (46.98%) concentration. For activation of defense mechanism of plants, salicylic acid was evaluated through interaction between root dipping and foliar spray. Salicylic acid was proved to be most effective in treatment combination (root dip of 200 ppm and foliar spray of 150 ppm) against Alternaria solani and recorded minimum per cent disease intensity i.e., 17.41%, 20.43% at 45 DAS and 60 DAS, respectively.
How to cite this article:
Ranjana Meena, Shailesh Godika, Pinki Devi Yadav, Kewal Chand, Mateti Gayithri, Anuradha Jajorira. Management of early blight of tomato Solanum lycopersicum Mill. Incited by Alternaria solani through salicylic acid in vitro and in vivo . Pharma Innovation 2022;11(4):01-06.