Abstract:A field experiment entitled “Growth and yield potential of Pearl millet (
Pennisetum glaucum) cultivars as affected by fertility levels” was conducted at the Research Farm of Advance Centre for Rainfed Agriculture, Rakh Dhinsar of Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agriculture Sciences and Technology of Jammu, during kharif season of 2020 to find out suitable cultivars with optimum fertility level for rainfed condition of Jammu. The experiment consisted of fifteen treatment combinations comprising three cultivars (Puas composite 383, MBC-2 & local variety) with five fertility levels (F
1- Control, F
2- 25 kg N through FYM, F
3- 50:30:15 kg/ha of N:P
2O + 25 kg N through FYM, F
4- 65:40: 20 kg/ha of N:P
2O + 25 kg N through FYM, F
5- 80:50:25 kg/ha of N:P
2O + 25 kg N through FYM), laid out in Factorial Randomized Block Design replicated thrice.
Pearl millet cultivar MBC-2 recorded significantly higher grain and stover yield as compared to Pusa Composite-383 and local variety. Whereas, among the fertility levels F5 - 80:50:25 kg/ha of N:P2O5:K2O + 25 kg N through FYM to recorded significantly higher grain and stover yield over lower fertility levels but remained at par with fertility level F4 (65:40:20 kg/ha of N:P2O5:K2O + 25 kg N through FYM). On the basis of one year finding it is concluded that under rainfed conditions of Jammu, pearl millet cultivar MBC 2 when fertilized with F4 (65:40:20 kg/ha of N:P2O5:K2O + 25 kg N through FYM) marked its superiority by recording higher B:C ratio besides producing grain and stover yield statistically at par with fertility level F5 (80:50:25 kg/ha of N:P2O5:K2O + 25 kg N through FYM).