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Vol. 11, Issue 4 (2022)

Assessment of crop growth and development of pigeonpea varieties (Cajanus cajan (L.) under different sowing windows in Western Maharashtra

D Nagaraju, Dr. SB Kharbade, Dr. JD Jadhav, Dr. R Balasubramanian, AA Shaikh and Dr. VA Sthool
An agro-meteorological investigation was undertaken to study “Crop growth and development of pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan) varieties under different sowing windows” during kharif, 2017-18 and 2018-19 at Department of Agricultural Meteorology Farm, Centre of Advanced Faculty Training (CAFT) in Agricultural Meteorology, College of Agriculture, Pune, Maharashtra State (India). The experiment was laid out in split plot design with three replications. The treatment comprised of four varieties viz., Vipula, Rajeshwari (Phule T 0012), BDN 711 and ICPH 2740 as main plot and four sowing windows viz., 24th meteorological window (MW) (11th to 17th June), 26th MW (25th June to 01st July), 28th MW (9th to 15th July) and 30th MW (23rd to 29th July) as sub plot treatments. All the growth attributes were increased with the advancement in age of the pigeonpea crop. Plant height (178.7 and 175.6 cm), total number branches (12.17 and 11.80), leaf area index (1.378 and 1.315), total dry matter accumulation per plant (220.0 and 216.9 g), mean days to 50 per cent flowering (122.7 and 121.6) and mean days to physiological maturity (175.6 and 172.2) during both the years of 2017-18 and 2018-19, respectively which were found Significantly higher in variety ICPH 2740 over Vipula, Rajeshwari and BDN 711. This was followed by varieties viz., Rajeshwari, Vipula and BDN 711.
Pages: 1042-1053  |  521 Views  245 Downloads

The Pharma Innovation Journal
How to cite this article:
D Nagaraju, Dr. SB Kharbade, Dr. JD Jadhav, Dr. R Balasubramanian, AA Shaikh, Dr. VA Sthool. Assessment of crop growth and development of pigeonpea varieties (Cajanus cajan (L.) under different sowing windows in Western Maharashtra. Pharma Innovation 2022;11(4):1042-1053.

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