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Vol. 11, Issue 4 (2022)

Effect of different FYM and nitrogen levels on productivity of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.)

Naval Kishore, Girish Goyal, SS Tomar, Munnesh Singh and Raj Kumar Chaurasiya
The present experiment was conducted for evaluated the combined effect of organic manure (FYM) and inorganic fertilizers (Nitrogen) doses on the growth and yield of barley. The experiment consist twelve treatment included three levels of FYM (FYM0 = 0 t/ha, FYM1 = 3 t/ha, FYM2 = 6 t/ha) and four levels of nitrogen (N0 = 0 kg/haN1 = 50% RDNN2 = 75% RDN, N3 = 100% RDN) in a Randomized Block Design (RBD) with three replications. Maximum value of growth parameters and yield attributes characters was observed with 6 t FYM ha­­-1 and 100% RDN ha-1 levels. Maximum grain yield (4213.9 kg ha-1) was also recorded with 6 t FYM ha­­-1 which was 18.8 and 6.0 per cent significantly higher to control and 3 t FYM ha­­-1 levels. Application of nitrogen significantly affected the grain and biological yield as well as harvest index of barley. Under different treatment combination (interactions) of FYM and nitrogen, maximum B:C ratio (2.93) was obtained from FYM1 x N3 followed by FYM2 x N3 with 2.89 B:C ratio. Whereas minimum B:C ratio (2.44) under control of both parameters (FYM0 x N­0).
Pages: 766-768  |  733 Views  433 Downloads

The Pharma Innovation Journal
How to cite this article:
Naval Kishore, Girish Goyal, SS Tomar, Munnesh Singh, Raj Kumar Chaurasiya. Effect of different FYM and nitrogen levels on productivity of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). Pharma Innovation 2022;11(4):766-768.

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