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Vol. 11, Issue 3 (2022)

Correlation and path analysis study in Yardlong bean genotypes

Nanda M, Vijayakumar Rathod, Mukesh L Chavan, Vilas D Gasti and Sachinkumar T Nandimath
The present investigation entitled “Correlation and path analysis study in yardlong bean genotypes” was carried out during kharif season of the year 2021. The field experiment was carried out at the Experimental Farm (Block VII) of the Department of Vegetable Science, Kittur Rani Channamma College of Horticulture, Arabhavi, Belagavi District (Karnataka). The study was undertaken on fifty one genotypes of yardlong bean using randomized complete block design with two replications. A wide range of variation observed among the genotypes for all the character. Analysis of variance indicated significant differences among the genotypes for different morphological characters. In the present investigation, the results revealed comparatively higher degree of genotypic correlation coefficients than their phenotypic correlation coefficients in most of the characters. The characters like pod length, pod weight and number of green pods per plant had highly significant positive correlation with pod yield per plant at both the genotypic and phenotypic point. Green pod yield per plant also showed significant positive correlations with the number of flowers per cluster at the phenotypic level only, which indicating dependence of these characters on each other. Path coefficient analysis reveals that the characters like number of pods per plant, length of the pod, weight of the fresh pod, days to first picking, number of primary branches, days to 50 per cent flowering and number of flowers per cluster contributed direct and indirect effect towards the yield. Therefore yield can be improved in yardlong bean by improving these traits.
Pages: 2344-2347  |  367 Views  171 Downloads

The Pharma Innovation Journal
How to cite this article:
Nanda M, Vijayakumar Rathod, Mukesh L Chavan, Vilas D Gasti, Sachinkumar T Nandimath. Correlation and path analysis study in Yardlong bean genotypes. Pharma Innovation 2022;11(3):2344-2347.

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