Effect of nutrient management on yield parameters of okra
Aaradhana Sonwani, AS Choudhary, Shani Raj, Ankit Paswan and Pooja Sonloi
A field experiment was conducted at the Instructional Farm of Sardar Patel University, Balaghat (M.P.), during kharif season of 2020-21, to evaluate the influence of “Impact of nutrient management on green pod yield and cost ratio of okra.” Totally 08 different treatments consisting of different organic and inorganic and fertilizers, alone and in both combination have been tried. Among the different nutrient management practices, The application of nutrient management significantly enhanced significantly enhanced yield parameters viz. characters like Number of fruit per plant, Length of fruit (cm), Diameter of fruit (cm), Weight of fruit (g), Fruit yield per hectare (q) were also significantly superior in the T1 (100% NPK + PSB + Azotobactor) followed by treatment T3 (75% NPK + Vermicompost + Azotobactor) and proved significantly superior over all other remaining treatments. There for it may be concluded that treatment T1 (100% NPK + PSB + Azotobactor) may be prefer for higher growth, green pod yield and cost ratio of Okra.
How to cite this article:
Aaradhana Sonwani, AS Choudhary, Shani Raj, Ankit Paswan, Pooja Sonloi. Effect of nutrient management on yield parameters of okra. Pharma Innovation 2022;11(3):2294-2297.