Abstract:The present investigation on “Morphological characterization of male sterile lines in white onion’’ (
Allium cepa L.)” was carried out at the Division of Vegetable crops, Indian Institute of Horticultural Research (IIHR), Bengaluru. The experimental site had red clay loam soil and is located at 13º 58¹ north longitude 78º 37¹ east and an altitude of 890 meters above mean sea level. The genotypes used in this study were maintained at the Division of Vegetable crops, Indian Institute of Horticultural Research (IIHR), Bengaluru.
The experiment was carried out with 10 genotypes namely PW0-18, TW-18, PWR-18, RW-18, AW-O-18. Male sterile lines and their respective fertile lines of 5 genotypes are morphologically characterized for the growth and seed yield related characters. Among the observations taken in seed crop PWR-18 MF recorded highest number of seeds per umbel (61.70), highest number of flowers per umbel were observed in PWR-18 MS (260.93), TW-18 MS recorded highest length of umbel (5.80 cm), AWO-18 recorded highest number of leaves (6.46) seed yield were observed maximum in PWR-18 and performed well in both growth and seed yield related characters.