Assessment of vermicompost and inorganic fertilizers response on growth, yield and Phyllanthin content in Bhumyamalaki (Phyllanthus amarus Schum and Thonn.)
Divyashree N, Singh VP, Vishwanath YC, Vijaymahanthesh Mastiholi, AB Bhuvaneshawari G and Ashoka N
Bhumyamalaki is an annual small herb belongs to the family Euphorbiaceae, mainly known in Indian ayurvedic system for its medicinal properties. During 2018-19 in kharif, the field experiment was conducted with an objective of increasing yield in Phyllanthus amarus with different combinations of vermicompost and inorganic fertilizers under Northern Dry Zone of Karnataka at Main Horticultural Research and Extension Centre (MHREC), UHS, Bagalkot. Among different treatment combinations, application of V1F3 (2 tonnes vermicompost and fertilizer combination of 150: 60: 60 kg NPK per hectare) has recorded significantly maximum plant height (64.9 cm), number of leaves per plant (218.78), number of branches per plant (50.46), plant spread (57.07 cm2), leaf area (446.33 cm2), leaf area index (2.98), Cumulative growth rate (5.96 g/m2/day), Absolute growth rate (0.12 g/day), total dry matter accumulation (11.97 g/plant), fresh herbage yield (10.75 t/ha) and dry herbage yield (5.25 t/ha), the maximum nutrient uptake (N-121.52, P2O5-24.96, K2O-107.73 kg/ha) by the plants, the highest net returns (132226) and B:C ratio (2.95). Whereas, the maximum Phyllanthin content (0.87%) was recorded with the application of V1F1 (2 tonnes of vermicompost and fertilizer combination of 50: 30: 30 kg NPK per hectare) and the maximum phosphorous availability in soil (39.21 kg/ha) was recorded with V1F0 (2 tonnes vermicompost and fertilizer combination of 0: 0: 0 kg NPK per hectare).
How to cite this article:
Divyashree N, Singh VP, Vishwanath YC, Vijaymahanthesh Mastiholi, AB Bhuvaneshawari G, Ashoka N. Assessment of vermicompost and inorganic fertilizers response on growth, yield and Phyllanthin content in Bhumyamalaki (Phyllanthus amarus Schum and Thonn.). Pharma Innovation 2022;11(3):1250-1256.