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Vol. 11, Issue 3 (2022)

Influence of integrated weed management practices on growth, yield attributes, yield, quality and nutrient uptake of Rabi popcorn (Zea mays L. Var. Everta)

HN Chaudhary, AP Patel, MP Joshi and RH Patel
Field research was carried out during rabi 2017-18 at the College Farm, Navsari Agricultural University, Navsari on “Integrated weed management in rabi popcorn (Zea mays L. var. everta) under South Gujarat condition”. The experimental soil was clayey in texture, low in available nitrogen (164 kg ha-1), medium in available phosphorus (42 kg ha-1) and high in available potash (315 kg ha-1). Results revealed that in the case of different growth, yield attributes and yield, the treatment T9 was performed better than all the other treatments but statistically remained at par with T6, T5 and T4. However, plant population and per cent barren plant were not influenced significantly. Pop corn yield was significantly affected by different weed control methods therefor higher grain (3748 kg ha-1) and stover yield (7898 kg ha-1) were registered with T9 but which is being statistically at par with T6, T5 and T4. The N, P and K content (%) in grain, stover and weed were done not exert its significant influence, while higher N, P and K, kg ha-1 uptake was reported by grains and stover under the T9, which was statistically at par with T6, T5 and T4. While higher uptakes of nutrients were registered under T10 fb T1, T7 and T3. Protein content (%) in grains failed to exert its significant effects. T9 produced significantly maximum protein yield which was statistically at par with T6 and T5. After harvesting of the crop, available N, P and K kg ha-1 were recorded significantly maximum under T9 fb T6, T5 and T4. The maximum net realization (Rs 72143 ha-1) was gained from T6 fb T5 and T4. However, the maximum B: C ratio was recorded by treatment T5 (2.96) followed by T6 and T9.
Pages: 919-923  |  404 Views  171 Downloads

The Pharma Innovation Journal
How to cite this article:
HN Chaudhary, AP Patel, MP Joshi, RH Patel. Influence of integrated weed management practices on growth, yield attributes, yield, quality and nutrient uptake of Rabi popcorn (Zea mays L. Var. Everta). Pharma Innovation 2022;11(3):919-923.

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