Effect of rootstock age, integrated nutrient management and seasonal variations on conventional propagation method of Khasi mandarin plants under polyhouse condition with respect to Nagaland
Jungshienla Jamir, Naveen Kumar Patle and Moasosang Longkumer
The experiment was conducted at Central Institute of Horticulture (CIH) farm, Nagaland during 2021-2022 to study the effect of rootstock age, INM and seasonal variations on conventional propagation method of Khasi mandarin plants under polyhouse condition with respect to Nagaland. Experiment was laid out in RBD with 16 treatments viz., T1 (9 Months old rootstock +250gm FYM + T-budding on 3rd Aug), T2 (9 Months old rootstock + 200gm Vermicompost + T-budding on 3rd Aug), T3 (12 Months old rootstock + 250gm FYM + T-budding on 3rd Aug), T4 (12 Months old rootstock +200gm Vermicompost + T-budding on 3rd Aug), T5 (9 Months old rootstock + 250gm FYM + Wedge grafting on 3rd Aug), T6 (9 Months old rootstock + 200gm Vermicompost + Wedge grafting on 3rd Aug), T7 (12 Months old rootstock + 250gm FYM + Wedge grafting on 3rd Aug), T8 (12 Months old rootstock + 200gm Vermicompost + Wedge grafting on 3rd Aug), T9 (9 Months old rootstock + 250gm FYM + T-budding on 3rd Sept), T10 (9 Months old rootstock + 200gm Vermicompost + T-budding on 3rd Sept), T11 (12 Months old rootstock + 250gm FYM + T-budding on 3rd Sept), T12 (12 Months old rootstock + 200gm Vermicompost + T-budding on 3rd Sept), T13 (9 Months old rootstock + 250gm FYM+ Wedge grafting on 3rd Sept), T14 (9 Months old rootstock + 200gm Vermicompost + Wedge grafting on 3rd Sept), T15 (12 Months old rootstock + 250gm FYM + Wedge grafting on 3rd Sept) and T16 (12 Months old rootstock + 200gm Vermicompost + Wedge grafting on 3rd Sept) replicated three times with 5 plants in each replication. Pooled data after analysis shows that T6 gave maximum number of leaves (34.12 nos.), fastest sprouting (15.33 days), highest graft success (83.67%) and plant survivality (85%). While other attributes like maximum plant height (38.38 cm) was recorded in T7, rootstock diameter value (7.25 mm) and length of branch (6.50 cm) were recorded in T8, number of branches per plant (7.00 nos.) in T5 and T8 were observed. On the other hand, the least values in plant height (33.62 cm) and length of branches (6.00 cm) were found in T13, number of branches per plant (3.33 nos.) and graft success (57.0%) in T7, number of leaves per plant (23.52 nos.) and no. of days for sprouting (32.67 days) in T15, diameter value (5.57 mm) in T9 and lowest plant survival (64.33%) in T16 were recorded. In all treatments, T-budding was not successful due to failure in union of scion and rootstock; this may be due to unfavorable time for budding.
How to cite this article:
Jungshienla Jamir, Naveen Kumar Patle, Moasosang Longkumer. Effect of rootstock age, integrated nutrient management and seasonal variations on conventional propagation method of Khasi mandarin plants under polyhouse condition with respect to Nagaland. Pharma Innovation 2022;11(3):727-733.