Evaluation of different pigeonpea varieties for desiccation tolerance at seedling level
Sahana TV, Shakuntala NM, Suma TC, Doddagoudar SR, Sangeeta IM and Kisan B
The laboratory experiment was conducted during 2020-21 having 7 treatments with 3 replication planned with CRD design. Four varieties of pigeonpea namely GRG 811, TS-3R, GRG 152 and Maruti were exposed to desiccation and rehydration treatments in laboratory. For desiccation treatments seeds were exposed to different days of desiccation for 3, 5 and 7 days respectively. For rehydration treatments seeds were exposed to desiccation for 3, 5, 7 days and rehydrated for one day in petriplate respectively. Results revealed that treatment control i.e., no desiccation treatment (T1) showed significantly highest Seed germination at first count (34.77%), seed germination at final count (87.08%) shoot length (17.35 cm), seedling vigour index -I (3032), whereas (T5) desiccation treatment for 3 days + rehydration treatment for one day in petriplate showed significantly highest root length (17.84 cm), seedling dry weight (12.22 mg) and speed of germination (18.98) in the variety TS-3R, followed by GRG 811. lowest was observed in T4 (desiccation treatment for 7 days) pertaining to Maruti variety. Highest plant height (76.5 cm) was recorded in T1 in GRG152 variety (69.25 cm) however, there was no plant growth in T7 treatment of Maruti and first flowering initiation occurred in TS-3R variety.
How to cite this article:
Sahana TV, Shakuntala NM, Suma TC, Doddagoudar SR, Sangeeta IM, Kisan B. Evaluation of different pigeonpea varieties for desiccation tolerance at seedling level. Pharma Innovation 2022;11(3):406-411.