Evaluation of different varieties on growth characteristics of onion (Allium cepa L.)
Surbhi Prithiani, Dr. SS Dighe, Raj Kumar Jakhar, Kumari Pushpa and Deeksha Gautam
A field experiment was conducted to study the evaluation different varieties on growth characteristics of onion during rabi seasons of 2017-18 at Department of Horticulture, Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri, Dist. Ahmednagar. The experiment was laid out in randomized block design eighteen genotypes viz, Phule Samarth, Phule Suvarna, Baswant-780, Phule Safed, Bhima Raj, Bhima Super, Bhima Shubra, Bhima Shakti, Bhima Kiran, Bhima Shweta, Bhima Dark Red, Bhima Safed, Bhima Red, RO-1, RO-2, RO-59, RO-252 and N-2-4-1. The results of onion genotypes revealed significantly higher leaf length and chlorophyll content was exerted under Baswant-780 genotype. While, significantly higher neck thickness was obtained under Bhima Shweta genotype. Whereas, number of leaves plant-1 could not reach the level of significance due to different genotypes.
How to cite this article:
Surbhi Prithiani, Dr. SS Dighe, Raj Kumar Jakhar, Kumari Pushpa, Deeksha Gautam. Evaluation of different varieties on growth characteristics of onion (Allium cepa L.). Pharma Innovation 2022;11(3):386-388.