Effect of fertilizer management with growth regulator on growth and yield of wheat
AK Jha, Suneeta Pandey, Dinesh Pandey and RK Meshram
The present investigation was conducted with the aim to know the effect of fertilizer management and plant growth regulators on the yield and yield attributes of the wheat cultivar GW-366. The present study was conducted at Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya, Jabalpur (M.P.in the split plot design the treatments consist of four nutrient management, absolute control, RDF (Recommended dose of fertilizer) 150:60:40, 150% RDF.(225:90:60), 150% RDF+15 t FYM /ha- in main plots and four plant growth regulators, control- two sprays of water (400 lit water /ha) at first node and flag leaf stages. two spray of Chlormequat chloride (CCC) (Lihocin @ 0.2% (800 ml ha-1) of commercial product dose at first node (Around 45 DAS) and flag leaf (Around 80 DAS) using 400 lit water. two sprays of Tebuconazole (Folicur 430 SC) @ 0.1% at (400 ml ha-1) First Node and Flag leaf with 400 lit water ha. two spray combined application of Lihocin + Folicar in sub-plots. The highest yield was recorded under the treatment150% RDF+FYM (49.00 q/ha) as compared to all other treatments.
How to cite this article:
AK Jha, Suneeta Pandey, Dinesh Pandey, RK Meshram. Effect of fertilizer management with growth regulator on growth and yield of wheat. Pharma Innovation 2022;11(2):2999-3000.