Effect of different sequential applications of herbicides on soil parameters in guava cv. L-49
Pooja and RK Goyal
In fruit orchards, weeds are considered as the unwanted crops which compete for nutrient, light, moisture and space with the associated crop. So, the present investigation was carried out with the objective to control the weeds by different weed control treatments. There were fifteen sequential applications of herbicides with three replications in randomized block design. Nine years old uniformly grown trees of cultivar L-49, spaced at 6m × 6m were selected. Data was recorded on Soil pH, ECe, available Nitrogen, Phosphorous, Potassium, Zinc and Iron. Among different weed control treatments glyphosate 1.26 kg/ha (July) fb glyphosate 1.26 kg/ha (August) fb glyphosate 1.26 kg/ha (September) was found effective in improving the soil parameters.
How to cite this article:
Pooja, RK Goyal. Effect of different sequential applications of herbicides on soil parameters in guava cv. L-49. Pharma Innovation 2022;11(2):2614-2617.