Abstract:A field experiment was conducted during
Rabi season of 2020-2021 at Experimental Farm, Department of Agronomy, College of Agriculture, Latur. To assess the effect of different production constraints on productivity of chickpea. The soil of experimental plot was clay in texture, moderately alkaline in reaction having pH (7.04) with chemical composition such as available nitrogen (231 kg ha
-1), very low in available phosphorous (8.55 kg ha
-1) and very high in available potassium (580 kg ha
-1). It was well drained and favorable for optimum crop growth. The experiment was laid out in Randomized Block Design with eight treatments. The treatments were T1: Full package of practices, T2: T1-RDF, T3: T1- Weeding, T4: T1 - Plant protection, T5: T1 - (RDF + Weeding), T6: T1 - (RDF + Plant protection), T7: T1 - (Weeding + Plant protection), T8: T1 - (RDF + Weeding + Plant protection). The gross and net plot size of each experimental unit was 5.4 m x 4.5 m and 4.8 m x 3.9 m, respectively. Sowing was done on 9
th November 2020 by dibbling method with seed rate of 50 kg ha
The result showed that application of Full package of practices (T1) was found most effective for increasing productivity of chickpea. Among the different treatments, application of full package of practices (T1) was found beneficial in increasing yield attributing characters, seed yield and economics of chickpea than RDF alone or combination with Weeding or Plant protection, respectively. Application of full package of practices (T1) was superior in respect of gross and net monetary returns and followed by T4. However higher B:C ratio (3.00) was recorded with the application of full package of practices (T1).