Effect of type of healing chamber and stage for acclimatization in chilli grafts
VS Uttekar, LK Gabhale and MC Bhoite
The field experiment was conducted at Department of Vegetable Science, College of Horticulture, Dr. Balasaheb Sawant Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth, Dapoli (M.S.) during the rabi season 2020-21. in experiment Factor A consisted two healing chambers i.e C1: Polycarbonated polyhouse and C2: Shade net and Factor B consisted four stages of starting of acclimatization i.e. D1: 4 DAG, D2: 5 DAG, D3: 6 DAG and D4: 7 DAG. The effect of treatment combination of healing chamber and starting of acclimatization was significantly differ in number of days required for graft union, survival percentage, girth at graft union, girth of scion and rootstock, number of days required for development of new leaves and number of leaves recorded in treatment combination (C2D1). The shade net healing chamber (C2) with starting of acclimatization (D1) 4 DAG was appropriate for chilli graft with maximum survival rate.
How to cite this article:
VS Uttekar, LK Gabhale, MC Bhoite. Effect of type of healing chamber and stage for acclimatization in chilli grafts. Pharma Innovation 2022;11(1):1875-1878.