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Vol. 11, Issue 1 (2022)

Effect of land configuration methods and sulphur levels on growth, yield and economics of soybean (Glycine max L. Merrill)

PB Gunjal, VB Kolekar and SS Kale
The field experiment was conducted during kharif season of 2019-20 on medium black soil to study the effect of different land configuration methods and sulphur levels and their interaction at post graduate research farm, RCSM College of Agriculture, Kolhapur (MS). The treatment was conducted in split plot design with three replication and sixteen treatment comprising of four land configuration methods viz., I1- flat bed, I2- BBF, I3- ridge and furrow (2 feet), I4- ridge and furrow (3 feet) and four sulphur levels viz., S1-00 kg ha-1, S2- 10 kg ha-1,S3 - 20 kg ha-1, S4- 30 kg ha-1 in subplots. The result reveled that, the land configuration Ridges and furrow (3 ft) produced maximum plant height, plant spread, number of branches, leaf area, and dry matter plant-1 than rest of the land configurations, however it was on par with the land configuration Broad Bed Furrow with respect to plant height and number of branches at harvest. Land configuration Ridges and furrow (3 ft) had the highest seed (26.63 q ha-1) and stover (39.55 q ha-1) yields and harvest index recorded (40.40%). The land configurations Ridges and furrow (3 ft) had maximum gross monetary returns (Rs. 82,117 ha-1), net monetary returns (Rs. 45,986 ha-1) and B: C ratio (2.24) than rest of the land configurations. Growth attributes such as plant height, plant spread, number of branches, leaf area, and dry matter plant-1 were maximum and influenced significantly with the application of 30 Kg S ha-1, however but on par with the application of sulphur @ 20 Kg ha-1. As regards to the yield, the application of 30 Kg S ha-1 recorded the highest seed (27.17 q ha-1) and stover (38.85 q ha-1) yields and harvest index recorded (41.46%). The application of 30 Kg S ha-1 had maximum gross monetary returns (Rs. 81,072 ha-1), net monetary returns (Rs. 44,968 ha-1) and B: C ratio (2.24) than rest of the sulphur levels.
Pages: 947-950  |  499 Views  206 Downloads

The Pharma Innovation Journal
How to cite this article:
PB Gunjal, VB Kolekar, SS Kale. Effect of land configuration methods and sulphur levels on growth, yield and economics of soybean (Glycine max L. Merrill). Pharma Innovation 2022;11(1):947-950.

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