Author(s): Souvik Tewari, Chandan Samanta and Ravindra kumar Agarwal
Abstract: The global pandemic coronavirus disease has created a chaotic situation all over the world. This is happened due to SARS-CoV-2 infection, which is spread through the human to human connection. Now different countries have discovered vaccines for coronavirus. At the same time our body needs its own immune system. For these reasons immune boosting substance are also required. This review paper indicates that zinc acts as an immune booster in our body against the coronavirus disease. In addition, it is also an immunomodulatory and immunosuppressive component. On other hand zinc has antioxidant properties, which can remove the free radicals from our body with increasing fluidity of the cell membrane. This may result, improve the lymphocyte’s function. Depending on this information it is clear that zinc have the power of create resistance barrier against coronavirus infection.
Souvik Tewari, Chandan Samanta, Ravindra kumar Agarwal. Coronavirus: Role of zinc as an immune booster. Pharma Innovation 2022;11(1):905-908. DOI: 10.22271/tpi.2022.v11.i1m.10139