Heterosis for fruit yield and its components traits in Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L. Moench)
Panchal KN, Bhalekar MN, Kshirsagar DB, Joshi VR and Kute NS
Thirty six hybrids of okra along with their nine parental lines in 9 x 9 half diallel fashion excluding reciprocal crosses were studied to assess the extent heterosis effects over better parent, top parent and standard check for yield and fourteen characters. The cross combinations IC 0045993 x GKOKS-4, IC 089835 x GKOKS-4, IC 0090249 x IC 0588162, IC 089835 x IC 0111484, IC 0034124 x IC 0588162 and IC 0369611 x GKOKS-4 displayed the significant positive heterosis for most of the traits in both kharif and in summer season. The crosses IC 0010256A x IC 0111484, IC 0369611 x IC 0090249, and IC 089835 x GKOKS-4 exhibited significant negative heterosis under kharif season for most of the characters and same cross combination displayed significant negative heterosis in summer season for length of inter node and first fruiting node.
How to cite this article:
Panchal KN, Bhalekar MN, Kshirsagar DB, Joshi VR, Kute NS. Heterosis for fruit yield and its components traits in Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L. Moench). Pharma Innovation 2021;10(8):1192-1200.