Performance assessment of mint on growth and yield attributes supplied with three nutrient combinations under two modified nutrient film technique (NFT)
R Shanmugabhavatharani, R Swarna Priya, RK Kaleeswari and A Sankari
This study was conducted to examine the performance of mint in modified Nutrient film technique (NFT) hydroponic systems under two models viz., Horizontal (S1) and Vertical A types (S2) and three nutrient combinations viz.,T1-NPK@ 40:65:40 / hectare, T2-NPK @ 50:75:50/hectare,T3-NPK@60:85:60/hectare were tested. The experiment was laid out in Factorial Randomized Block Design (FRBD) with three replication at the Department of Vegetable Science on Tamil Nadu Agricultural University. The observations viz., yield(Kg/plant), leaf area(cm2), Leaf area index (LAI), Leaf area duration (LAD-days), Leaf chlorophyll content (LCC-SPAD Value),Specific leaf area (SLA-cm2g-1),Net assimilation rate(NAR-gg-1day-1), Relative growth rate (RGR-gg-1day-1),Crop growth rate (CGR-gm-2day-1) were determined. The nutrient quantities were computed for 100 litre of water and were given through fertigation. The pH 6.5-6.8 and EC around 2 dS m-1 was continuously maintained throughout the trial period. It was concluded from the study that (S2T1) vertical A type with nutrient combinations of NPK @ 40:65:40 / hectare have recorded highest for yield and growth parameters such as Leaf area, NAR, RGR, CGR, LAI when compared to other treatments. Lowest yield and other growth attributes was recorded in S1T3 Horizontal type with combination of NPK @ 60:85:60 /ha.
How to cite this article:
R Shanmugabhavatharani, R Swarna Priya, RK Kaleeswari, A Sankari. Performance assessment of mint on growth and yield attributes supplied with three nutrient combinations under two modified nutrient film technique (NFT). Pharma Innovation 2021;10(5):17-22.