Developing appropriate weed management practices for direct sown drum seeded rice (Oryza sativa) under Thamirabarani command area
Arivukodi S and Velayutham A
Cultivation of direct seeded rice is well suited under command areas as water release is highly uncertain but, crop establishment is a challenge due to increased weed infestation and non-availability of labour during peak periods. Therefore, a field experiment was conducted during late Pishanam season of 2017 at Agricultural College and Research Institute, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Killikulam, Tamil Nadu, India to evolve suitable weed management practices for direct sown drum seeded rice in Thamirabarani command area. The experiment was laid out in randomized block design with twelve weed management treatments replicated thrice. Treatments comprised of different combinations of pre-emergence (PE) herbicides (pretilachlor, anilophos and pendimethalin), post-emergence (PoE) herbicides (Azimsulfuron and bispyribac sodium) with cono weeding and hand weeding. The results revealed that, the weed flora was dominated by broad leaved followed by grasses and sedges. Moreover, application of pretilachlor @ 750 g a.i./ha on 8 DAS as PE + bispyribac sodium @ 25 g a.i./ha on 30 DAS as PoE not only notably reduced the density (0.46/ m2) and dry weight of weeds (1.1 g/m2) during the peak stage but also increased the grain yield of rice (6460 kg/ha). Although, the weed free check yielded comparatively higher (6680 kg/ha) than the other treatments, but failed to be promoted due to increased cost of cultivation and non-availability of labour during peak season especially under command areas.
How to cite this article:
Arivukodi S, Velayutham A. Developing appropriate weed management practices for direct sown drum seeded rice (Oryza sativa) under Thamirabarani command area. Pharma Innovation 2021;10(5):1479-1483.