Per SE performance of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) germplasm for yield and yield attributes
K Sushma, P Saidaiah, Harikishan Sudini, A Geetha and K Ravinder Reddy
To study the per se performance of twenty three genotypes for fifteen characters, an experiment was carried out in tomato at P.G Research Farm, College of Horticulture, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad during Kharif, 2018. Among the genotypes, EC-620382 was the superior for yield and yield contributing characters i.e., fruit yield per plant (2.39 kg) and number of fruits per plant (58.43). The genotype EC-631379 was significantly superior for plant height (133.63) and number of primary branches per plant (8.13). The genotype EC-620503 was found more in fruit length (5.34) and fruit width (5.94), whereas, more average fruit weight was found in EC-620427 (110.07). The genotype EC-620428 was found to be superior for ascorbic acid (36.25 mg/100g). The genotype EC-631379 was found to be superior for TSS (7.47 0Brix). Highest beta-carotene content was found in EC-620422 (2.16 mg/100g). For lycopene content, the highest value of (3.98 mg/100g) was found in EC-615055. The high yielding genotypes be utilized as commercial varieties after necessary multlocation trials.
How to cite this article:
K Sushma, P Saidaiah, Harikishan Sudini, A Geetha, K Ravinder Reddy. Per SE performance of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) germplasm for yield and yield attributes. Pharma Innovation 2021;10(5):854-858.