To access the efficacy of bio-regulator against tomato leaf curl virus under dry farming condition of South Bihar
Bipul Kumar Mandal, RP Sharma and Rahul Kumar Verma
The experiment to access the efficacy of bio-regulator on tomato productivity against leaf curl virus disease under dry farming condition of South Bihar was conducted on ten farmers field of Aurangabad district of Bihar with a tomato cultivar “Kashi Vishesh” during the month of october- march in winter season for the two year i. e. 2014-15 and 2015-16. There were three bio-regulators viz., Salicylic Acid @ 100 ppm, Para chloro phenoxy Acetic Acid @ 50 ppm and Virtex @ 3000 ppm were evaluated against the leaf curl disease of tomato. Agro-chemical were applied individually on 40 DAT and 60 DAT and data were collected on different parameter such as percent disease incidence, Days to 50 % flowering, Fruit length, Marketable fruit yield and B:C ratio. It was found that all the treatment significantly reduce disease incidence (12.65– 43.50 %) and increased marketable yield over control (30.81-65.00 %). Virtex @ 3000 ppm treated plot found most effective (12.65 %) disease incidence with 70.91 per cent disease reduction over farmers practice and maximum fruit yield obtained (338.5 q/ha) against farmer practice whereas the least protection was obtained from SA (100 ppm) treated plot. The 3000 ppm Concentration of Virtex resulted not only the lowest disease incidence but also increase the tomato yield and hence economic benefit in tomato production is increased. The present study revealed that the selected bio-regulator could be used for successful management of Leaf Curl Virus Disease in tomato.
How to cite this article:
Bipul Kumar Mandal, RP Sharma, Rahul Kumar Verma. To access the efficacy of bio-regulator against tomato leaf curl virus under dry farming condition of South Bihar. Pharma Innovation 2021;10(4):453-457.