Abstract: The experimental evaluation was done in mid hill conditions of western Himalayan range during Rabi season of 2014-15. Forty three genotypes including two check cultivars were evaluated for different horticultural traits. Among studied genotypes 14/PMVAR-3, 14/PEVAR-6, 14/PEVAR-2, 14/PMVAR-1 and EC-598628 were reported superior over other entries and standard checks for yield, quality and other important horticultural traits. 14/PMVAR-3 was found superior to checks for most of studied traits viz. number of pods per plant(12.43), pod length (9.23cm), pod width (1.62cm), number of seeds per pod (8.93), shelling percentage (66.18per cent), weight of 100 pods (480g), pod yield (5.77kg/plot), pod yield (128.22q/ha) and total soluble solids (18.50per cent). Genotype 14/PMVAR-1 (3.18) had recorded yield comparable to check cultivar and also showed moderately resistant reaction to powdery mildew disease. In the present study 3 genotypes were found earliest among all genotypes and can be involved in breeding programmes to develop early cultivars in pea. Two genotypes were found superior to yield and yield contributing traits when compared with the performance of the check cultivars in the present study.
Shilpa Devi, Arvind Nagar, Manish Kumar, Kuldeep Thakur, BS Dogra. Mean performance of pea (Pisum sativum l.) germplasm under mid hill conditions of Western Himalayan region. Pharma Innovation 2021;10(4):407-411. DOI: 10.22271/tpi.2021.v10.i4f.5968