Efficiency of different attractant traps against cucurbit fruit fly on ridge gourd [Luffa acutangula (L.) Roxb.] Under mulched conditions
Cherala Rakesh, D Laxmi Narayana, S Mallesh, K Manasa and CH Raja Goud
A field investigation entitled Effect of use of different attractant traps against cucurbit fruit fly on yield and quality of ridge gourd [Luffa acutangula (L.) Roxb.] Under mulched conditions was carried out during the rabi season of the year 2020-21 at College of Horticulture, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad. The experiment was laid out in Randomized Block Design with nine treatments and replicated thrice viz., T1 (Cue lure with destruction of damaged fruits) T2 (Cue lure + Fipronil -6:4:2) T3 (Cue lure + Thiamethoxam -6:4:2) T4 (Cuelure + Spinosad -6:4:2) T5 (Poison bait with destruction of damaged fruits) T6 Poison bait (Vinegar rotted ridge gourd –100 gm)+ Fipronil @ 50 ml; T7 Poison bait + Thiamethoxam @ 50 gm; T8 Poison bait + Spinosad @ 50 ml; T9 control (with mulching). The results revealed that among the different attractant traps T4 treatment (Cue lure + Spinosad) recorded significantly maximum fruit yield (22.45 MT/ha) with the lowest percentage of cucurbit fruit fly damage (15.93) and also same treatment registered more number of cucurbit of fruit flies catches per trap per week (17.78) and has significantly highest percent of fruit damage reduction over control (63.51) as compared to treatment T7 (14.73) lowest which might be due to more number of male flies catches in that treatment.
How to cite this article:
Cherala Rakesh, D Laxmi Narayana, S Mallesh, K Manasa, CH Raja Goud. Efficiency of different attractant traps against cucurbit fruit fly on ridge gourd [Luffa acutangula (L.) Roxb.] Under mulched conditions. Pharma Innovation 2021;10(10):991-996.