Successful treatment of canine parvoviral infection with imunoglobulins in a pup
R Rishikesavan, KM Palanivel and M Saravanajayam
Canine parvoviral infection is caused by canine parvovirus type 2 (CPV 2) belonging to genus Canine parvovirus and Family Parvoviridae, which is one of the most dreadful diseases affecting the canine population. It causes severe haemorrhagic gastroenteritis in adult dogs and myocarditits in puppies with high morbidity and mortality rate. Early diagnosis based on immunization against canine parvo virus and obvious clinical signs. Clinicians encountered in rescuing the puppy mortality in severe cases, if failed to treat with adequate fluids and supportive therapy. In this case report the canine parvovirus affected pup was with purified immunoglobulins against parvovirosis (along with essential recommended antibiotic, antacids, antiemetic and supportive therapy with adequate intravenous fluids and eventually the pup was recovered from the clinical infection. The study confirmed that incorporating specific immunoglobulins in severe epidemic of parvo viral enteritis will prevent mortality and quick clinical recovery.
How to cite this article:
R Rishikesavan, KM Palanivel, M Saravanajayam. Successful treatment of canine parvoviral infection with imunoglobulins in a pup. Pharma Innovation 2021;10(1):27-28.