Ruptured inguinal mammary tumor exposing herniated uterus (inguinal HYSTEROCELE) in a spitz bitch and its successful surgical management
J Radhakrishna Rao
A 6 years old Spitz bitch was presented to Veterinary clinical complex, with a history of ruptured left inguinal mammary gland. Physical examination revealed ruptured left inguinal mammary gland exposing herniated uterus (inguinal hysterocele). The herniated uterus along with ovaries was removed through ovariohysterectomy procedure and the ruptured mammary gland was excised under general anaesthesia. The bitch recovered completely by 10th postoperative day without any complications.
How to cite this article:
J Radhakrishna Rao. Ruptured inguinal mammary tumor exposing herniated uterus (inguinal HYSTEROCELE) in a spitz bitch and its successful surgical management. Pharma Innovation 2020;9(7):590-591.