A literary review on Jalauka-Avacharana (Leech therapy)
Dr. Mrigank Shekhar
Leech therapy is a precious gift of Ayurveda to the Modern medical science. Leech therapy is an ancient technique of blood-letting. Acharya Sushruta mentioned full Chapter on Jalaukavacharana in Sushruta Samhita. Now a days Modern medical science capable to treat various ailment but many chronic disorders are still challenging. Leech therapy is better alternative to treat that disorders. Leeches should be applied where the patient would be found to be old or imbecile, women, infant, a person of an extremely timid deposition, a person of a delicate constitution and as such is not fit to be surgically operated upon, since this mode of bleeding is the gentlest that can be possibly devised. In Unani system of medicine Irsale-Alaq (Leech Therapy) is one of the method to evacuation of morbid humours. Acharya Vagbhatt mentioned diseases which cured by using Leeches like - Gulma, Arsha, Vidradhi, Vatarakta, Visarpa, Netraroga, Various Gal roga (diseases of neck) etc. Leech therapy is blood purification therapy which is helpful in letting the toxic blood out of the body. During this process, Medicinal Leeches (nonpoisonous) are used which suck the impure blood out and release certain enzymes in the blood, which are supporting in increasing the immunity as well as healing power of body. In Recent studies researcher revealed that saliva of Leech having variety of Bio-active peptides and proteins involving Anti-thrombin, Anti-platelet, anti-bacterial and many other functions. In this paper we discuss uniqueness and miscellaneous uses of Leeches in various diseases as mentioned in Ayurveda text.
How to cite this article:
Dr. Mrigank Shekhar. A literary review on Jalauka-Avacharana (Leech therapy) . Pharma Innovation 2020;9(7):428-431.