Role of rural women in farm and nonfarm activities
Rashmi Rekha Kalita
Food, clothing and shelter are the basic needs of the people. Agriculture play is an important role to provide the food of an individual. That means agriculture helps to fulfillment of one of the basic needs of the people. It provides an economy for the economic upliftment of the society or nation. For the agricultural development not only men are involved but also women are equally involved in the agricultural activities. In the past period of time, men were only involved in the farm or agricultural activities. Women were always worked in the inside house. But in the present period of time, women break these traditional rules. Over the years, there is a gradually increasing the key role of women in agricultural development and allied sectors such as their vital contribution in the field of agriculture, food security, horticulture, processing, nutrition, sericulture, fisheries etc. So in this paper we discussed the role of women in farm and nonfarm activities. The result of the study indicated that majority of the respondents belong to lower middle age group and most of them belong to schedule caste. Majority of the respondents educated up to high school level. Maximum numbers of respondents belong to nuclear family and had up to four members in their family. Data also revealed that majority of the respondents always involved in transplanting followed by harvesting and winnowing. Minimum involvements of the respondents were found in land preparation and nursery rising. In case of involvement of women in non-farm activities revealed that maximum numbers of women were involved in cooking followed by weaving and Care of children/elders.
How to cite this article:
Rashmi Rekha Kalita. Role of rural women in farm and nonfarm activities. Pharma Innovation 2020;9(6):549-552.