Studies on strains evaluation of button mushroom Agaricus bisporus (L.) Sing
Anurag Kerketta, HK Singh, CS Shukla and Varsha Kerketta
Three strain (CG-I, CG-II and CG-III) of Button mushroom were evaluated during 2017, 2018 in October and February month respectively on long method prepared compost. The results revealed that the spawn run was differed significantly during both years. During October 2017, the quickest (20.4 days) spawn run was noticed in strain CG-I and the spawn run during the February month of 2018 was significantly fastest (25.9 days) in CG-III. On an average of both years, days required for spawn run was less (23.25 days) in CG-I. The pinhead initiation did not differed significantly in different strain during the October month of 2017 and varied from 14.0-15.8 days. While, during the February month of 2018, the significantly less time (14 days) recorded in CG-II. The average of two years indicated that CG-II took minimum period (14 days) for pinhead initiation. Stalk length was differed significantly in both the years. Highest (3.48 cm) average stalk length was noticed in CG-II. Stalk circumference showed significant difference during the month of October, 2017 and it was insignificant during the February month of 2018. The average stalk circumference was found maximum (2.11 cm) in CG-III. Pileus diameter was found significant in both the year, average pileus diameter was highest (4.96 cm) in CG-I. The number of fruiting bodies differed significantly during the October month of 2017 while it did not found significant during the February month of 2018. During October month of 2017, significantly more number (37.83) of fruiting bodies were obtained in CG-II and same trend was observed during February month of 2018 and average of two years (30.83) in CG-II. The weight of sporophores did not found significant during both year and it was varied from 174.15-238.35g. The fresh yield of three strain of button mushroom differed significantly during October month of 2017 and during February moth of 2018 it did not differed significantly. During the October month of 2017, the highest (566.67g) fresh yield was recorded in CG-II with 11.33% biological efficiency and during the February month of 2018, fresh yield varies from 389.25-525.43g with 7.42-9.62% biological efficiency. The pooled data of two year clearly indicate that strain CG-II gave maximum yield with highest biological efficiency.
How to cite this article:
Anurag Kerketta, HK Singh, CS Shukla, Varsha Kerketta. Studies on strains evaluation of button mushroom Agaricus bisporus (L.) Sing. Pharma Innovation 2020;9(6):491-493.