Effect of graded levels of nitrogen and foliar feeding of nutrients on performance of rice fallow finger millet [Eleusine coracana (L.)]
G Sanjana, Dr. A Upendra Rao, Dr. AV Ramana and Dr. P Guru Murthy
A field experiment was carried out during rabi, 2018–19 on a sandy loamy soil at the Agricultural College Farm, Naira to study the effect of nitrogen levels and foliar sprays on the growth, yield attributes and yield of finger millet. The experiment was laid out in Split plot design with four graded levels of nitrogen levels as main plot treatments and five foliar sprayings as sub plot treatments. The results revealed that the highest plant height, number of tillers plant-1, days to 50 per cent flowering, days to maturity, weed count, weed dry weight, number of ears m-2, earhead weight, grain yield (2657 kg ha-1), straw yield and harvest index were registered with application of N @ 120 kg ha-1 among graded levels, application of 1% 19:19:19 at tillering fb 1% KNO3 at panicle initiation among the foliar sprays and by their interaction effect. Hence, it can be concluded that application of N @ 120 kg N ha-1 and foliar feeding of 1% 19:19:19 at tillering fb 1% KNO3 at panicle initiation are required for reaping higher yield in rice fallow finger millet.
How to cite this article:
G Sanjana, Dr. A Upendra Rao, Dr. AV Ramana, Dr. P Guru Murthy. Effect of graded levels of nitrogen and foliar feeding of nutrients on performance of rice fallow finger millet [Eleusine coracana (L.)]. Pharma Innovation 2020;9(6):406-411.