Constraints perceived by the dairy farmers in adoption and diffusion of innovations
G Triveni, GRK Sharma, CH Satyanarayana, K Sarjan Rao and T Raghunandhan
Smallholder dairy production is becoming increasingly important and it contributes magnificently to the improvement of the livelihoods of the rural people. Higher level of technology adoption is associated with better milk yield and improved dairying which has a direct impact on income generation. Small household dairy farms face several constraints in the way of adoption of technology due to improper technical inputs as well as services and extension interventions. The present study was an attempt to identify the constraints perceived by the farmers in adoption of dairy farming technologies. Three districts from the three respective geographical regions of Andhra Pradesh were purposively selected for the study. From each district, three mandals and from each mandal two villages, constituting a total of 18 villages were selected for the study. Twenty farmers adopting recommended dairy innovations were selected through simple random sampling and were asked to voice the constraints perceived by them in adoption and diffusion of innovations. The constraints voiced by the dairy farmers in rank order are, non-remunerative price for milk (I), no minimal standardized price per litre of milk (II), non availability of market information on milk and feed prices (III), no regular mechanism for dissemination of scientific information (IV), no reach to newer technologies developed in animal husbandry sector (V), poor storage facilities for milk marketing (VI), lack of awareness on important hygienic and quality standards of milk (VII), non-availability of experts during emergency/ crisis (VIII).
How to cite this article:
G Triveni, GRK Sharma, CH Satyanarayana, K Sarjan Rao, T Raghunandhan. Constraints perceived by the dairy farmers in adoption and diffusion of innovations. Pharma Innovation 2020;9(6):341-343.