Effect of plant geometry and weed management on weed dynamics and yield of green gram
Randhir Kumar, Bharati Upadhaya, Prabhat Kummar, Kaushal Kishor and Rahul Kumar Raushan
A field experiment was carried out to study the effect of plant geometry and weed management on weed dynamics and yield of green gram at Crop Research Farm of Tirhut College of Agriculture Farm, Dholi, Muzaffarpur, Dr. Rajendra Parsad Central Agricultural University, Bihar (25039’ N latitude and 85040’ E longitude). The experimental results revealed that significantly higher grain yield was recorded under hand weeding twice at 15 and 30 DAS over Quizalofop-ethyl and Pendimethalin under closer row spacing of 20 cm × 10 cm. Hand weeding twice at 15 and 30 DAS resulted in the lowest weed count, significant reduction in dry weight of weeds/m2 and higher weed control efficiency at all the stages while post emergence application of Imazethaypr @ 60 g/ha at 15 DAS resulted in minimum weed density over all other treatments under closer row spacing of 20 cm × 10 cm.
How to cite this article:
Randhir Kumar, Bharati Upadhaya, Prabhat Kummar, Kaushal Kishor, Rahul Kumar Raushan. Effect of plant geometry and weed management on weed dynamics and yield of green gram. Pharma Innovation 2020;9(6):302-305.