Toxicity of levofloxacin on kidney following repeated oral administration in dual purpose chicken
Ravikumar C, Jagadeesh S Sanganal, Shivashankar BP, Sunilchandra U, Narayanaswamy HD, Shridhar NB and Ramachandra SG
The study was conducted in 30 to 40 day old healthy dual purpose chicken Indian Rock -3 (IR-3), a strain of White Plymouth Rock The safety evaluation of levofloxacin following the repeated oral administration was conducted in dual purpose chicken. The experimental birds were administered with levofloxacin at the dose rate of 10 mg/kg bw and 20mg/kg bw respectively directly for 28 days in dual purpose chicken. There was a significant increase in creatinine, urea concentration and significant decrease in total protein and albumin values in the Group III administered with high dose of levofloxacin at 20 mg/kg bw for 28 days suggestive of producing the toxic effect which were supported by the gross and histopathological observation in kidney tissue samples.
How to cite this article:
Ravikumar C, Jagadeesh S Sanganal, Shivashankar BP, Sunilchandra U, Narayanaswamy HD, Shridhar NB, Ramachandra SG. Toxicity of levofloxacin on kidney following repeated oral administration in dual purpose chicken. Pharma Innovation 2020;9(3):703-707.