Eco-friendly management of antracnose disease of groundnut in vivo condition
Amrita Subhadarshini, Shashi Tiwari, Kondakari Mahanthi and Mohammad Faisal
A study was carried out in in vivo condition in Central field of SHUATS, prayagraj to control the antracnose disease caused by Colletotrichum dematium. Groundnut is most important oilseed crop and it mostly affected by many diseases. Among all diseases anthracnose is noticed most destructive for yield loss. In the present study three botanicals viz. Neem oil, Clove oil, Eucalyptus oil and one bio-agent viz. T. viride. And three other treatments were taken the combinations of botanicals with the bio-agent viz. Neem oil + Trichoderma viride, Eucalyptus oil+ Trichoderma viride and Clove oil+ Trichoderma viride at the rate of 5% with seed treatment. The complete inhibition was obtained by Clove oil of 60.48% inhibition followed by Neem oil (54.55%) and Clove oil + Trichoderma viride (41.30%). Trichoderma viride was more effective with the botanicals than the single treatments.
How to cite this article:
Amrita Subhadarshini, Shashi Tiwari, Kondakari Mahanthi, Mohammad Faisal. Eco-friendly management of antracnose disease of groundnut in vivo condition. Pharma Innovation 2020;9(2):487-489.