Influence of inter-cropping on the incidence of painted bug under untreated conditions
Mukesh Sharma, AR Naqvi and Abhishek Yadav
The experiment was conducted at Agriculture Research Station and Laboratory in the Department of Entomology, College of Agriculture, Bikaner during rabi, 2016-17. Maximum population of painted bug was observed in those plots where mustard was sown as sole crop, whereas, minimum population of painted bug was observed in the plots sown as mustard + gram intercrop. The intensity of painted bug was high in the mustard sole crop than the inter-crop.
How to cite this article:
Mukesh Sharma, AR Naqvi, Abhishek Yadav. Influence of inter-cropping on the incidence of painted bug under untreated conditions. Pharma Innovation 2020;9(2):444-447.